Real Property Management Vancouver

6 Tips for Hosting a Successful Moving Sale

Are you preparing to move and want to find ways to save money? One option is to organize a moving sale! Selling unwanted items this way might be a great way to declutter your home while earning some extra cash. But how can you guarantee a successful moving sale? If you follow these suggestions, you’ll be on your way to holding a simple and successful moving sale.

Plan for your moving sale

Allow yourself enough time to get ready and run your relocation sale. If you are renting your property, informing your landlord about the event is necessary so they can approve it and provide any necessary permissions. You may spread the word about your sale by inviting others to take part in it. More is better, right?

Spread the word and advertise

You should advertise your moving sale if you want it to go well. Ensure your friends and neighbors know about your moving sale by advertising it on social media and putting up brochures throughout town. You can also create an online ad and post it on sites like Craigslist. On the day of the sale, be sure to provide directions to your location. Use a colorful poster board, if possible, to draw attention to your message.

Have a variety of fair-priced items

Take some time before the sale to research what other comparable products are selling for, and then decide on prices for your own items. If you misprice anything during your moving sale, you may end up with a loss. You want to ensure that you receive a fair price for your things and that you make a profit. Don’t limit your sale to merely selling books or clothing. If you have a diverse selection, more customers will visit your place. In general, more people will come to you if you have more things to sell.

Prepare Your Space

Make sure there is adequate room for guests to browse your items comfortably. Having the right number of tables or racks on hand can also help you showcase your items appropriately. To increase visibility, try placing everything near a sidewalk, at the end of your driveway, or in your yard. Although holding your sale inside a garage may seem appealing, if customers cannot see the items for sale, they may not even look around.

Accept Multiple Forms of Payment

Make sure you are ready to accept a variety of payment methods, including cash, credit cards, and even electronic payments like Venmo. It is advisable to go to the bank before the day of your sale since you’ll need to have some money, such as smaller bills and other changes.

Clean Up Afterward

Make sure you have a strategy for getting rid of any unsold items after the sale. Pack everything up and haul it to a charity if you no longer want it. You might even be able to have big things hauled up. In that case, arranging the pickup as soon as possible is highly recommended. Put things in boxes quickly to protect them from damage and scratches if you want to retain or sell them online. When the sale is over, remember to remove the posters and signage.


By using these suggestions, your chances of having an excellent moving sale are sure to go up!

If you want to relocate but haven’t found your next home yet, call Real Property Management Vancouver to view excellent listings in your area!