Real Property Management Vancouver

Halloween Spooky Things to do in Vancouver, Washington

It is Halloween again, and people all over the country are obsessing about what fun activities they will carry out to spice up this creepy holiday. Don’t worry because there are some ideas that will be shared in this article that might just be the perfect answer to your questions. Of course the most basic thing to start with is to acquire a truly frightening costume. If you had not thought this through, don’t stress. Here are some great costume shops and rentals in Vancouver from where you can purchase or rent some truly unique costumes:


Where to get the costumes

  1. Karen’s Costume Closet

Karen’s costume closet has been well established for over 20 years.  No one left behind, this costume shop has costumes available for all ages. Not only can you pick from 500+ costumes, each one can be customized.


  1. Spirit Halloween

Spirit Halloween is another great place from which you can shop for Halloween costumes. Just visit their website and sign up to join the family of true Halloween fans, and you will learn a lot about how to dress up for this day.


Spooky Ideas

Here are some great ideas that will certainly make your Halloween in Vancouver Washington unforgettable. Have you thought of visiting Scream City, which for two Halloweens has had people screaming their lungs out each time? It truly is a scream city. Scream City was made by the 2014 champions of A and E “haunted house design/building completion”. However there is a catch because children below age thirteen are not allowed in. But on the brighter side, this only goes to prove the place is truly eerie. The haunted Scream City is open from October seventh to November fifth.


If you have been to Scream City, then here is another pleasant place you might want to visit: the famous Mansion on O Street. There will be a thrilling scavenger hunt that you simply can’t afford to miss. All the rooms will have different spooky themes and secret doors, and better still, one will be able to win Halloween prizes hidden all over. Also, there will be goods on sale, and this destination is especially suitable for whole families.


In case you have kids aged between twelve and fifteen, you can organise a Halloween themed zoo with live animals. A few decorations of plastic bats and owls here and there are enough to set the mood for the day. The family can also have a costume contest and pumpkin decorations. The costumes need to be as frightening as possible in order to create lifelong memories. Here, being creative will be of utmost importance.


If your friends are young adults you can decide to organize a creepy concert with an electric grave tombstones to complete it. Can it really get any spookier than that? Another classic idea that always works is the giant corn maze. Getting lost in the middle of the maze among rows and rows of corn can be a little scary, but isn’t that the whole objective of Halloween?


A Halloween circus is also a fantastic idea, especially for those who enjoy watching the daring fire eaters, palm readers, illusionists and talking bats. This circus is ideal for the whole family and everyone can join in the fun .People can also indulge themselves in ghoulish games and compete for treats. These games should be more fun than competitive. A roar coaster passing through scary caves is enough to have your friends screaming for hours. The different caves should have different themes such as zombie lands, Hellish volcanoes and myriad other scary things. However, this should be age limited.


Another classic idea especially for those aged sixteen and above is to watch a horror movie in a graveyard at night. This is the spookiest idea ever and many probably won’t finish watching the movie. If your friends are daring and think that nothing can scare them, then dare them to do this. Those who can stand it are certainly way braver than most ordinary people.



The bottom line about halloween in vancouver washington is that you need to have as much scary fun as you possibly can, so don’t be afraid to explore all the options that are open to you. If you reside in Vancouver and end up having a boring Halloween, then you will only have yourself to blame. Consider implementing some of the ideas suggested above and be sure to have a spooky Halloween. And of course, don’t forget to scare the life out of a number of people with your creepy costume!